Emergency Medical Responder

100 Hours

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Recognized by the National Occupational Competency Profiles for Paramedics and specifically tailored for current or aspiring emergency services professionals, the Emergency Medical Responder program will hone the student's skill set by building on the principles of advanced patient assessment. The EMR student will learn all aspects of pre-hospital emergency care and transport while gaining valuable hands on experience working with the equipment. FRO takes it a step further, our EMR student will also have the unique opportunity to run full-scale scenarios- responding to a radio dispatch, utilizing a stretcher, and simulating transport in the back of an actual ambulance.

Pre-Requisites: Standard First Aid and CPR Level C or HCP, AED

Course Length: 100 hours

Instructor: Canadian Red Cross Certified EMR Instructor and experienced Paramedic

Completion: 100% attendance, achieve 80% on multiple choice knowledge

Criteria: evaluation, and satisfactory performance in various scenarios

Certification Recertification: 3 year Emergency Medical Responder, CPR Level HCP, and AED 40-44 hour course, must be enrolled before certification expiry

Course topics include but are not limited to:

  • Emergency Scene Management
  • Prevention of Disease Transmission
  • Human Body Systems
  • Patient Assessment
  • Cardiovascular Emergencies
  • Chest Auscultation
  • Use of a Stair Chair
  • Use of a Scoop Stretcher
  • Blood Glucometry Testing
  • Application of a Traction Splint
  • Patient Transport Guidelines
  • Radio Communications

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